
Our elephants are watered on a regulated schedule and are watered at least 4 or 5 times a day. If the weather is hot or above a comfortable temperature, the elephants are watered more often. Misters are also utilized for cooling for our elephants in warmer weather.
Each elephant eats between 2 and 4 square bales of hay and 16 pounds of sweet feed each day. The elephant department by itself uses over 25 bales of hay and 165 pounds of feed per day. In addition, elephants love fruits and vegetables, and often are given these as treats.

Foot Care

One of the more interesting grooming operations we perform on the elephants is the pedicure. Each toe of the foot has a nail attached to the skin and not directly to the toe bones. We use a small rasp file to clean and file the nail. This process is provided for each resident every 4 to 6 weeks or as often as it is needed. Elephants walk on their toes, although they appear to be flat-footed. The ‘heel’ of the foot is really a pad of fatty and elastic connective tissues.
Spa & Bath
Bath time with the elephants is a very important part of the day. Each one of our residents enjoys this luxury daily. A long handled broom is utilized to exfoliate the skin getting underneath the folds, around the eyes and tail. Ever seen an elephant look forward to its bath? They trumpet. They come to you, play with you.